
What Did You Learn Too Late In Life?

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR from Pexels One thing people often realize too late in life is self-care. Many people spend their lives focusing on success and meeting others' expectations, often neglecting their own well-being in the process. They may push themselves to work long hours, neglect their physical health, or avoid addressing their emotional needs. This can lead to burnout, illness, and dissatisfaction with life. Self-care refers to the practice of deliberate actions to maintain or improve physical, mental, and emotional health. This can include things like getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, engaging in regular exercise, spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies and interests, and seeking professional help when needed. You May Like:  The Ultimate Guide To Female Narcissist In Relationships Unfortunately, many people don't prioritize self-care until they experience negative consequences such as health problems or mental breakdowns. They may see self-ca...

The Ultimate Guide To Female Narcissist In Relationships


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Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. While narcissism is often associated with men, there are also female narcissists who exhibit the same destructive behaviors. In relationships, female narcissists can cause significant emotional damage to their partners and children, often leaving lasting scars.

Here are five common traits of female narcissists:

1.  Grandiosity.

Female narcissists often exaggerate their own importance and abilities. They may believe they are better than others in every way, including intelligence, attractiveness, and success.

2.  Lack of Empathy 

A female narcissist may have difficulty understanding or caring about others' feelings, including those closest to them. They may dismiss others’ emotions as unimportant or overblown.

3.  Manipulation 

Female narcissists manipulate others to get what they want. They may use charm, flattery, or even guilt to get their way.

4.  Need for Attention 

Female narcissists may demand constant attention and praise from others, often becoming angry or frustrated when they don't receive it.

5.  Entitlement  

Female narcissists may believe they are entitled to special treatment, privileges, or rewards simply because of who they are.

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Female narcissists can cover up these traits in many ways. They may project an image of perfection and hide flaws or weaknesses. They may also blame others for their own shortcomings or mistakes. Additionally, they may try to control the narrative by painting themselves as the victim or hero in any situation.

Narcissists can be incredibly damaging to their victims, causing significant emotional harm. Here are three common tactics they use:

1. Gas lighting

A tactic used to make the victim doubt their own reality. A female narcissist may twist the truth or flat out lie to make their partner or child question their memory or perception of events.

2. Triangulation 

 Triangulation involves bringing in a third party to create drama or confusion. A female narcissist may use a child or friend to create tension in a relationship. They may also use an ex-partner to make their current partner jealous.

3. Emotional manipulation 

 Emotional manipulation involves using someone's feelings against them. A female narcissist may use guilt, fear, or shame to get what they want, often leaving their victim feeling confused and helpless.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Is My Wife a Narcissist? Quiz

It can be difficult to determine if your wife is a narcissist, especially if you have been in a relationship for a long time. Here are some questions to consider.

  • Does your wife have an exaggerated sense of self-importance?
  • Does she constantly seek attention and admiration from others?
  • Does she lack empathy for others, including you?
  • Does she manipulate you or others to get what she wants?
  • Does she blame others for her own mistakes or shortcomings?
  • Does she become angry or sulk when she doesn't get her way?
  • Does she believe she is entitled to special treatment or privileges?

If you answered yes to many of these questions, your wife may have narcissistic tendencies.

How to Deal with a Narcissist Girlfriend

Dealing with a narcissistic girlfriend can be challenging, but there are strategies to help:

Set Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries and stick to them. Narcissists often have difficulty respecting others' boundaries, so it's important to be firm and consistent.

Don't Argue

Narcissists thrive on drama and conflict. If your girlfriend starts an argument, don't engage. Stay calm and don't let her push your buttons.

Focus On Yourself

Narcissists often make their partners feel small and insignificant. Instead of letting her bring you down, focus on your own goals and interests.

Seek Professional Help

If your relationship with your girlfriend is causing you significant emotional distress, consider seeking a therapist or counselor.

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How Does a Female Narcissist Treat a Man?

A female narcissist in a relationship with a man may exhibit the following behaviors:

  • Belittling and demeaning: Female narcissists often make their partners feel inferior or insignificant. They may criticize their partner's appearance, intelligence, or accomplishments.
  • Controlling: Narcissists often try to control their partners to get what they want. They may limit their partners' social interactions or dictate their behavior.
  • Lying and manipulation: Narcissists often lie or manipulate others to get what they want. They may twist the truth or play mind games to maintain control over their partner.
  • Lack of empathy: Narcissists often have difficulty understanding or caring about others' feelings, including their partner. They may dismiss their partner's emotions or belittle their concerns.
  • Infidelity: Female narcissists may engage in extramarital affairs or other forms of infidelity, as they feel entitled to seek attention and admiration from others.

Example of a Female Narcissist in a Relationship

A common example of a female narcissist in a relationship is a woman who constantly belittles her partner. She seeks attention and admiration from others. She may manipulate her partner by using guilt, fear, or shame to get what she wants. She may also engage in infidelity or other forms of betrayal, as she feels entitled to attention and admiration of others.

What a Narcissist Does at the End of a Relationship

When a relationship with a narcissist ends, they may exhibit a range of behaviors:

Photo by Yan Krukau from Pexels

Blame shifting

Narcissists often blame others for their own mistakes or shortcomings. When a relationship ends, the partners may try to shift the blame onto their partner or other external factors.


Female narcissists in relationships can be incredibly destructive, causing significant emotional damage to their partners and children. By recognizing the common traits and tactics of female narcissists, victims can understand and heal from emotional abuse. Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can also help navigate the complexities of a relationship with a narcissistic individual.

Related: Narcissism Meaning In A Relationship


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